Acts 17 
Paulo e Silas Chegam à Cidade de Tessalônica
Now when they had gone through Amphipolis and Apollonia they came to Thessalonica, where there was a Synagogue of the Jews:
And Paul, as he generally did, went in to them, and on three Sabbath days had discussions with them from the holy Writings,
Saying to them clearly and openly that Christ had to be put to death and come back to life again and that this Jesus, whom, he said, I am preaching to you, is the Christ.
And some of them had faith, and were joined to Paul and Silas and a number of the God-fearing Greeks, and some of the chief women.
But the Jews, being moved with envy, took with them certain low persons from among the common people, and getting together a great number of people, made an outcry in the town, attacking the house of Jason with the purpose of taking them out to the people.
And when they were not able to get them, they took Jason and some of the brothers by force before the rulers of the town, crying, These men, who have made trouble all over the world have now come here
Whom Jason has taken into his house: and they are acting against the orders of Caesar, saying that there is another king, Jesus.
And hearing these things the people and the rulers of the town were troubled.
And having made Jason and the others give an undertaking to keep the peace, they let them go.
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