Luke 20 
A Parábola dos Trabalhadores Maus
And he gave the people this story: A man made a vine-garden and gave the use of it to some field-workers and went into another country for a long time.
And at the right time he sent a servant to the workers to get part of the fruit from the vines but the workmen gave him blows and sent him away with nothing.
And he sent another servant, and they gave blows to him in the same way, and put shame on him, and sent him away with nothing.
And he sent a third, and they gave him wounds and put him out.
And the lord of the garden said, What am I to do? I will send my dearly loved son they may give respect to him.
But when the workmen saw him, they said to one another, This is he who will one day be the owner of the property: let us put him to death and the heritage will be ours.
And driving him out of the garden they put him to death. Now what will the lord do to these workmen?
He will come and put them to destruction and give the garden to others. And when he said this, they said, May it not be so.
But he, looking on them, said, Is it not in the Writings, The stone which the builders put on one side, the same has become the chief stone of the building?
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